OUR PEOPLE: Suicide Prevention Advocates

Dr. Mark Goulston, MD.
A medical doctor and psychiatrist by training, the late Mark Goulston spent over twenty-five years at UCLA as a “boots on the ground” clinician specializing in suicide prevention; he never lost a patient to suicide in all these years. Mark says that "People have the will to help: They just don't have the way. My intention is to help those who are in deep despair find relief.” Dr. Goulston shares that he has found the number one cause of ending a life through suicide not to be Depression. (That’s number two.) Is it financial problems? Marital issues? Health problems? Alcoholism? Yes, all these can contribute. However, it is feeling a Lack of Purpose that can be the killer. As such, Dr. Goulston talks about finding how to “Become Re-Paired with Purpose” and the value that we all truly have. And he demonstrates the Seven Words anyone can you use to help someone who may be at risk of suicide. Mark’s best-selling books include Talking To Crazy and Just Listen: Discover the Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone. http://markgoulston.com

Kevin Hines
Kevin is one of the only two percent of people who have jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge and survived: Suffering from deep despair and bipolar depression, Kevin attempted to end his own life by suicide when he perceived the issues he was facing to be insurmountable. On the video, he tells of his journey back, his difficult challenges and learnings along the way — and his motivation to “Stay Alive.” And he calls out for special support those individuals who have identified themselves by a semi-colon tattoo — meaning that they themselves have considered suicide or know someone who has. www.TheKevinHinesStory.com
Rayko is the vocalist, songwriter, guitarist, and leader of the band Lolita Dark. Rayko offers her support as a suicide prevention advocate. Rayko reaches out to individuals like those she has met, based on her years of musical performance, who have revealed to her their deep despair. She also shares her own first-hand experience — and how inner perspectives can become highly distorted because of personal hurts. Noting that lending a helping hand with an encouraging message is so important, Rayko sends this important message: “You are not alone as you cry for help. You could save a life! Even if it is your own.“ www.Rayko.com

Producers Frank Kilpatrick www.FrankiKMusic.com, Linda Kilpatrick, and Director Paul Emami www.StoryTellerz.TV, partnered with Mark, Kevin and Rayko to create Stay Alive to express the purpose of “Help You Or Someone You Love To Find Their Way Out Of Despair.“ We hope this video is a helpful catalyst for having conversations about those at risk or even with yourself. If you or anyone you know has been touched by suicide and is feeling isolated, we hope you find the video valuable and share it with others as well as taking advantage of the Resources on the following page.